Think Green! Care About the Earth and Nature
Think green - reuse, refuse, reduce, repurpose, recycle, repair, restore and donate.
Do you care about the earth and its resources? Man has, for so long, misused, abused, and used up what is natural on the earth. Enter industry and toxins - now we're looking at the possibility of global warming. Water is at a premium in places. Trash is taking over more and more land, and junk is thrown out anywhere and everywhere - do you ever see junker cars or rotten couches sitting in people's backyards or even front yards?
How to Live More Green Lives:
REDUCE the amount you buy, or hoard, or collect, or forget about, etc. Put your things, your foods, your spices, your gadgets, and stuff in sight. Then use them. If you store things away where you never see them, you'll never use them until they're expired, outdated, spoiled, useless and then go to waste.
REUSE things you have - go through closets and bring out things you forgot about. Find new uses for them, get clothes altered, and get creative. Then use them or give them away.
REPURPOSE items that can be converted into something else - old towels and washcloths are now rags, milk cartons now as planters, old 8" X 11" papers can be cut into notepapers (in 1/2 or 1/4 sizes) to keep in office or kitchen, etc.
RECYCLE packaging, cans, magazines, newspapers, etc. There is so much that can be recycled now - find out from your trash company.
REPAIR AND REFURBISH things before throwing away if they can be fixed - a bit of glue, duct tape, stain, paint, nails, needle, and thread - can refurbish things for further life.
REFUSE to buy stuff you really don't need - don't collect stuff for the sake of having more stuff. Don't buy more fresh foods you cannot eat before throwing away (if food is going to go old or uneaten, then package it airtight and put it in the freezer to pull out later - same with leftovers, milk, cheese, produce - you an cook them another day).
RESTORE what you can - paint, secure with nails or glue, take apart and use pieces - get crafty. Ask creative friends to help you, give ideas, or take it off your hands.
DONATE your old clothes, furniture, toys, etc. so people in need can get use from them. Mattresses, stuffed toys, and the like will probably not be accepted - for fear of bed bugs and such. Old cloth type couches are not a good idea either.... Give to ARC, VVA, etc. - don't put them into the "scam" bins that people set up so they can resell your items for their gain - unless you don't mind.
How can you help?
We all can reduce, reuse, repurpose, refuse, refurbish, recycle, react, use energy efficient products (use less energy), waste less, and be aware. Below are options to help you figure out things to do and use. Come back often as we add to the tips.
Think Green! Help save the environment by protecting its resources. Things to Do to Save Energy and Conserve Resources:
Turn your heater temperature down in cold months don't heat your house as high as you'd like - wear more sweaters and warmer clothes in the house. Use a space heater if you spend most of your time in a certain room - don't heat the whole house. Avoid single use plastics. Packaging causes so much waste. If you use plastic make sure it's recyclable. There are plastics everywhere, and it's poisoning all of us - heated plastic leeches into our systems and gives off toxins. Get reusable grocery bags or bring back the ones you got from a previous trip. Keep reusable shopping bags in your car.
Take bags to put produce in - you can make produce bags from mesh fruit bags, from small cloth bags you may have collected or from clothes sewn into bags, etc. The less plastic and paper that is used at the grocery store to hold your items, the less trash and waste there is. Many stores even give a nickel or some sort of incentive for each bag you bring in or reuse. Make sure to wash them every week, so mold and germs will wash out.
Try to avoid plastic wraps, containers, and bags. They harm the environment, animals (they choke when eating it or getting wrapped in plastics) and fill up both landfills and oceans.
Get a swamp cooler instead of an air conditioner - use less energy.
Get a programmable set-back thermostat - it will regulate your home temperature for you, dropping and raising the temperature according to when you are in the house needing it - drop the temperature at night, raise it for 1-2 hours in morning while you get ready for work or school, drop it once you leave so no need to heat or cool while no one is home.
If people are at home all day, figure out the rooms they basically use - get space heaters or fans (ceiling fans are great for cooling) for those rooms and don't heat or cool the whole house when you only need a small space heated or cooled.
Insulate your home better. Paint your home with insulating paints.
Caulk up and winter-proof your home before winter comes. Run an energy envelope to see where your house has leaks. Take a candle and, keeping the flame away from curtains and other hazards, slowly trace the path of your windows, doors, and other areas which may have air leaks. If the flame flickers and moves, there is air flow into or out of the house and that area needs to be weatherized with caulk or insulation or weather strips. Stop the leaks - your home heat will be lost to the outside, and your cool air will escape on the hot days.
Get double pane windows to keep more air insulation from the outside temperature coming into the house. Or get shutters that will close up to make an insulative air layer. Use Eco-friendly blinds and shades.
Use LED or compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) rather than incandescent - these save a lot in energy use and heat. Even if everyone replaced just one light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb, it would make a HUGE difference!
Buy appliances that use less energy to run - cars, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, hot water heaters, computers, entertainment systems, etc.
Buy environmentally friendly products - ones that don't put out emissions or high heat or toxins into the air or trash or drains. Change your detergents, your cleansers, your personal care products, etc. to those which don't harm the environment.
Use rechargeable batteries rather than throwing out used batteries. You should never put batteries in your regular trash - they should be disposed of safely and separately - call your trash company to see what they suggest.
Drive less - walk, ride bikes, carpool, and ride the bus or train more.
Turn off lights when you leave the room - even if you intend to return in 10 minutes - it does save more energy to turn the lights off. Turn off your computer monitor and TV when not watching it.
Have live plants in your home and in your yard - let them help filter the air - taking in CO2 and letting oxygen out. Bonsai Pots and Plants are a fun idea - decorative, too!
Buy an energy efficient car - one with low gas mileage statistics. It helps to use less gas and not pollute with car emissions. Don't top off your gas tank beyond the normal stopping point.
Try to generate less trash - buy less packing, bring back grocery bags to re-use, and don't take a bag if you are only getting an item or two (use boxes at bulk stores - you can recycle cardboard). Eat more fresh items than processed foods in boxes and plasticware. On plasticware - recycle or try to wash and re-use another time or two - but be aware that plastic breaks down with heat.
Get trash cans specifically for recycling pick up, if your trash company offers recycling, so the trash truck doesn't pick up your recycles. PR
Do you care about the earth and its resources? Man has, for so long, misused, abused, and used up what is natural on the earth. Enter industry and toxins - now we're looking at the possibility of global warming. Water is at a premium in places. Trash is taking over more and more land, and junk is thrown out anywhere and everywhere - do you ever see junker cars or rotten couches sitting in people's backyards or even front yards?
How to Live More Green Lives:
REDUCE the amount you buy, or hoard, or collect, or forget about, etc. Put your things, your foods, your spices, your gadgets, and stuff in sight. Then use them. If you store things away where you never see them, you'll never use them until they're expired, outdated, spoiled, useless and then go to waste.
REUSE things you have - go through closets and bring out things you forgot about. Find new uses for them, get clothes altered, and get creative. Then use them or give them away.
REPURPOSE items that can be converted into something else - old towels and washcloths are now rags, milk cartons now as planters, old 8" X 11" papers can be cut into notepapers (in 1/2 or 1/4 sizes) to keep in office or kitchen, etc.
RECYCLE packaging, cans, magazines, newspapers, etc. There is so much that can be recycled now - find out from your trash company.
REPAIR AND REFURBISH things before throwing away if they can be fixed - a bit of glue, duct tape, stain, paint, nails, needle, and thread - can refurbish things for further life.
REFUSE to buy stuff you really don't need - don't collect stuff for the sake of having more stuff. Don't buy more fresh foods you cannot eat before throwing away (if food is going to go old or uneaten, then package it airtight and put it in the freezer to pull out later - same with leftovers, milk, cheese, produce - you an cook them another day).
RESTORE what you can - paint, secure with nails or glue, take apart and use pieces - get crafty. Ask creative friends to help you, give ideas, or take it off your hands.
DONATE your old clothes, furniture, toys, etc. so people in need can get use from them. Mattresses, stuffed toys, and the like will probably not be accepted - for fear of bed bugs and such. Old cloth type couches are not a good idea either.... Give to ARC, VVA, etc. - don't put them into the "scam" bins that people set up so they can resell your items for their gain - unless you don't mind.
How can you help?
We all can reduce, reuse, repurpose, refuse, refurbish, recycle, react, use energy efficient products (use less energy), waste less, and be aware. Below are options to help you figure out things to do and use. Come back often as we add to the tips.
Think Green! Help save the environment by protecting its resources. Things to Do to Save Energy and Conserve Resources:
Turn your heater temperature down in cold months don't heat your house as high as you'd like - wear more sweaters and warmer clothes in the house. Use a space heater if you spend most of your time in a certain room - don't heat the whole house. Avoid single use plastics. Packaging causes so much waste. If you use plastic make sure it's recyclable. There are plastics everywhere, and it's poisoning all of us - heated plastic leeches into our systems and gives off toxins. Get reusable grocery bags or bring back the ones you got from a previous trip. Keep reusable shopping bags in your car.
Take bags to put produce in - you can make produce bags from mesh fruit bags, from small cloth bags you may have collected or from clothes sewn into bags, etc. The less plastic and paper that is used at the grocery store to hold your items, the less trash and waste there is. Many stores even give a nickel or some sort of incentive for each bag you bring in or reuse. Make sure to wash them every week, so mold and germs will wash out.
Try to avoid plastic wraps, containers, and bags. They harm the environment, animals (they choke when eating it or getting wrapped in plastics) and fill up both landfills and oceans.
Get a swamp cooler instead of an air conditioner - use less energy.
Get a programmable set-back thermostat - it will regulate your home temperature for you, dropping and raising the temperature according to when you are in the house needing it - drop the temperature at night, raise it for 1-2 hours in morning while you get ready for work or school, drop it once you leave so no need to heat or cool while no one is home.
If people are at home all day, figure out the rooms they basically use - get space heaters or fans (ceiling fans are great for cooling) for those rooms and don't heat or cool the whole house when you only need a small space heated or cooled.
Insulate your home better. Paint your home with insulating paints.
Caulk up and winter-proof your home before winter comes. Run an energy envelope to see where your house has leaks. Take a candle and, keeping the flame away from curtains and other hazards, slowly trace the path of your windows, doors, and other areas which may have air leaks. If the flame flickers and moves, there is air flow into or out of the house and that area needs to be weatherized with caulk or insulation or weather strips. Stop the leaks - your home heat will be lost to the outside, and your cool air will escape on the hot days.
Get double pane windows to keep more air insulation from the outside temperature coming into the house. Or get shutters that will close up to make an insulative air layer. Use Eco-friendly blinds and shades.
Use LED or compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) rather than incandescent - these save a lot in energy use and heat. Even if everyone replaced just one light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb, it would make a HUGE difference!
Buy appliances that use less energy to run - cars, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, hot water heaters, computers, entertainment systems, etc.
Buy environmentally friendly products - ones that don't put out emissions or high heat or toxins into the air or trash or drains. Change your detergents, your cleansers, your personal care products, etc. to those which don't harm the environment.
Use rechargeable batteries rather than throwing out used batteries. You should never put batteries in your regular trash - they should be disposed of safely and separately - call your trash company to see what they suggest.
Drive less - walk, ride bikes, carpool, and ride the bus or train more.
Turn off lights when you leave the room - even if you intend to return in 10 minutes - it does save more energy to turn the lights off. Turn off your computer monitor and TV when not watching it.
Have live plants in your home and in your yard - let them help filter the air - taking in CO2 and letting oxygen out. Bonsai Pots and Plants are a fun idea - decorative, too!
Buy an energy efficient car - one with low gas mileage statistics. It helps to use less gas and not pollute with car emissions. Don't top off your gas tank beyond the normal stopping point.
Try to generate less trash - buy less packing, bring back grocery bags to re-use, and don't take a bag if you are only getting an item or two (use boxes at bulk stores - you can recycle cardboard). Eat more fresh items than processed foods in boxes and plasticware. On plasticware - recycle or try to wash and re-use another time or two - but be aware that plastic breaks down with heat.
Get trash cans specifically for recycling pick up, if your trash company offers recycling, so the trash truck doesn't pick up your recycles. PR
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