Stuff for the Sake of Stuff
At holidays, do you have people who give you more stuff than you need? I don’t want more stuff for the sake of stuff. I just want to enjoy time with people.
Pulling names from a pool is a good way to just give a gift to one person or family without having to give everyone a gift. For those it is helpful to have a wish list to get an idea of who might want or need something. Rather than leave a wish list empty, make sure to fill it out. You risk getting something you do not want or something you already have. You also will stress out the person trying to figure what to get because there is no guidance. What if you have a great blender but your secret gift giver gets you a $15 blender that you can’t use? It’s better to give some ideas of what can work, even if gift cards to certain stores (if you don’t want more stuff, ask for a favorite grocery, coffee or tea shop, or restaurant, store, etc.). Let people know you don't want more stuff and are downsizing. I got a strange gift at Christmas and didn't know what it was for. I finally asked and the giver thought it might work on my Christmas tree. I showed her a photo of my tree and she said it was pretty - I said I cannot use what she gave me on my tree as it woud detract and weigh It down. I showed how it would be too heavy except on the top branches only. I said we need to get rid of a lot of ornaments too. She decided to see if it would work on their tree and decided to leave it there to use on their tree next year. Some people need to be told. I was firm but appreciative - I could not bring a box full of that home to sit in the attic forever. I figure honesty is best - else years of the same old collection of stuff (and junk) keeps coming. If you can get ahead on that it would be better. PR
Pulling names from a pool is a good way to just give a gift to one person or family without having to give everyone a gift. For those it is helpful to have a wish list to get an idea of who might want or need something. Rather than leave a wish list empty, make sure to fill it out. You risk getting something you do not want or something you already have. You also will stress out the person trying to figure what to get because there is no guidance. What if you have a great blender but your secret gift giver gets you a $15 blender that you can’t use? It’s better to give some ideas of what can work, even if gift cards to certain stores (if you don’t want more stuff, ask for a favorite grocery, coffee or tea shop, or restaurant, store, etc.). Let people know you don't want more stuff and are downsizing. I got a strange gift at Christmas and didn't know what it was for. I finally asked and the giver thought it might work on my Christmas tree. I showed her a photo of my tree and she said it was pretty - I said I cannot use what she gave me on my tree as it woud detract and weigh It down. I showed how it would be too heavy except on the top branches only. I said we need to get rid of a lot of ornaments too. She decided to see if it would work on their tree and decided to leave it there to use on their tree next year. Some people need to be told. I was firm but appreciative - I could not bring a box full of that home to sit in the attic forever. I figure honesty is best - else years of the same old collection of stuff (and junk) keeps coming. If you can get ahead on that it would be better. PR
Stuff for the sake of stuff - what to do with it?
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