Fake PayPal Invoice and Other Such Invoice Scams
I got an email from PayPal with an invoice for something I did not order (a Norton package which I had already set up months ago with a different card). It said I owe $188+ - I forwarded it to PayPal fraud and didn’t think more about it. I paid Norton much less than that for a year – with a different card and not PayPal. I’m getting these “invoices” nearly daily now – scammers are inundating the victims with as many tries as they can. I won’t fall for it.
A week later I logged onto to PayPal and the invoice was in there as pending. I called PayPal and was told the pending ones can be canceled (when logged in on a computer) or just left alone and they drop off after 30 days if not paid. It can also be archived where they drop out of your view and just drop off after the 30 days.
The agent said a lot of scam invoices are being sent like that – to many people, to many email addresses, to see who will just pay it. Make sure you agree with any invoices before you pay. Scammers throw darts to see who they will stick to. Don’t be a victim – know what is a legitimate or fraudulent charge – then dispute the bad ones.
You might want to log in to your various accounts daily or weekly to see what shows up. Even charges for less than a dollar are an issue if not you didn’t make the charges - scammers often are making small charges to see that the card is active from their side. If you haven’t canceled your card then eventually a big charge will follow. I had this conversation with my bank when they saw three small charges for “Netflix” for 36 cents and such.
Scammers just try their best to sneak into your accounts and make you think you owe them. Be certain of your charges – keep your receipts so you remember what you purchased.
Scammers want you to click on the links or call the numbers on the email or text that is sent to you – because they have their own scam network that answers the calls or their own website that mimics the real website – but starts a whole scam for you to give them your account information or credit card numbers and such. ALWAYS find the websites and phone numbers from your own contacts or by Googling the business and call them directly from there – NOT from what is sent to you.
Pay attention to what you spend and what charges show up in your accounts. Forward bogus invoices to the bank or PayPal or store that it references. Log into your accounts to make sure no money has been pulled by a bogus charge.
Helpful Links:
*Need a Lawsuit or Insurance Advance? Need Cash Now?*Shopping
*Stay Safe From Scams*Scams Everywhere*Gift Card Scam*Phone Scams*Is That MY Order? Amazon or Other*Scammers Prey on Emotions*Red Flag Scams *Elderly and Scams*Make Passwords Hard to Guess*Don’t Post or Broadcast Your Trips *Security Questions on Websites *Credit Repair Scam*Getting Little Charges on Your Account?
Fake invoices and orders - PayPal and more.
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